Search Results
L'Album merveilleux (1905) Wonderful Album (Pathé)
La Ruche merveilleuse (1905) Wonderful Beehive (Pathé) [incomplete]
Чудесный альбом L'album merveilleux (1905 год)
Wonderful Album (Gaston Velle / 1905)
Vot’permis ? Viens l’chercher ! (1905) The Gun License (Pathé)
Les glaces merveilleuses (1907) The Wonderful Mirrors [fragment]
Martyrs chrétiens (1905) Christian Martyrs (Pathé)
Fâcheuse méprise (1905) Disagreeable Mistake (Pathé)
Fantaisies endiablées (1907) Weird Fancies (Pathé)
Pathé KOK (1908/1920s)
Vily a Faun (At the Villa of the Faun) Misidentified as Les Tulipes (1907) and Le Faun (1908) Pathé
Japonaiseries (1904) Japanese Varieties (Pathé)